Main Features
Additional Features
3 Control Panels
Merchant Tools
General Information
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With Swiss MICSI send or receive money online or from ANY mobile phone* in a easy and secure way.
* even without Internet enabled phone, simply using SMS or voice call.
SwissMICSI Prepaid Mastercard
There is two types of Prepaid Masercard.
One is Name Card, and other is No-Name Card.
Both types of Card can be used in all over the world.
Name Card is for normal purpose, No-Name Card is to keep your security.
Every SwissMICSI User (except residents of blacklisted countries) can apply for a Prepaid Mastercard, provided the member becomes a Verified User.
Features and advantages of our Prepaid Mastercard

A Prepaid Card
You can only spend what you have.
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A Name Card
Same as normal Card, for all purpose.
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A No Name Card
High privacy, no personal information left on ATM.
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It's A Mastercard
Accepted everywhere the Mastercard logo is displayed.
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ATM Locator Tool
To find the nearest compatible ATM machine Click HERE.
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Simple Application
A one page contract + copy of passport + proof of address.
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Card Loadings
Load money to your card from your SwissMICSI balance.
For Verified Users

SwissMICSI Prepaid Mastercard will be issued only for Verified Users.
Become Verified User as soon as possible.
The procedure to be Verified User is Free!
Details are Here.
Card Account

Once you have a SwissMICSI Prepaid Mastercard, a specific Go2Card Account will be opened separated from your SwissMICSI Account. The Card Account will display the card history of transactions, the fees charged, and the current balance on the card.
However the card ordering and loading process still takes place from the SwissMICSI account..
Prepaid Card Fees


More infos about Swiss MICSI
How it works
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How to open account
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Secure Payment Gateway

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Fee Table
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